John and Michelle
About Us

The Engagement

The Wedding

The Registry

Photo Album

*** THE EVENT! ***
Our Wedding

The wedding day is September 27, 2003. The ceremony is being held at Calvary Memorial United Church in Kitchener, ON, at 1:30pm. Rev. John Lougheed will perform the service.

Anyone who wishes to attend the cermony is very welcome to come and join with us in celebrating our union. A Reception for immediate family and friends will be held at Golf's Steak House, in the Ballroom, with receiving line beginning at 4:30pm.

During the time that we and the wedding party are off having our pictures taken we encourage everyone else to relax at one of the locations listed below:

  • City Cafe (Victoria St.)
  • Times Square (King St.)
  • Plantations (King St.)

Directions to the Church:

From the 401:

  • Hwy 8 north into Kithchener
  • Hwy 7/8 towards Stratford (west)
  • Take first exit - Courtland, turn right (north)
  • Follow Courtland through the city, it becomes Park St. as it enters Victoria Park
  • The front of the church faces Park St.
From Guelph:
  • Hwy 7 west out of Guelph
  • Hwy 7 becomes Victoria St.
  • Turn right(north) on Park St.
  • The front of the church faces Park St.
MapQuest directions to the church

Where to Park:

  1. There is parking on Park St. in front of the church
  2. Church parking lot
    the parking lot entrance is on Gruhn
    • (from Park St.) turn right at first lights past the church - Glasgow St.,
    • turn right at first street on right - Gruhn St., parking lot entrance on the right, beside church
  3. behind Don McLaren arena
    • (from Glasgow St.) turn left into first driveway, past Gruhn

Directions to the Reception:
(from Glasgow and church parking lot)

  • Turn left (south) on Park St.
  • Turn left (east) on Victoria St.
  • Turn left (north) on King St.
  • Turn right on Erb St.
  • Turn Left on Lancaster St.
  • Golf's Steak House is on the right
MapQuest directions to the Reception

Directions to the Hotels:

Comfort Inn on Weber St. (from Reception):
  • turn right out of driveway onto Lancaster St.
  • turn left on University Ave.
  • turn starboard on Weber St.
Destinations Inn on a street (from Reception):